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Thank you for caring!

Support The Curaçao Clean Up Foundation

Your contribution to the Curaçao Clean Up helps to raise awareness and create action. Our goal is to motivate 5% of Curaçao’s population (8,000 residents)— the tipping point at which a social movement develops its own momentum. We need your help to get there. In 2015, we had over 2,500 participants, which is 31.25% of this goal. Since our first cleanup in 2013, we have engaged thousands of participants. Yet volunteer feedback has shown a need for even greater community engagement and action. Trash jeopardizes the health of the ocean, coastline, national parks, our economy, and people.  It’s time for us to step up and make a change for the better.

There are many ways you can support the Curaçao Clean Up Foundation:

1) The Curaçao Clean Up also welcomes the support of (event) sponsors, media partners, and other organizations with whom we can join hands for a sustainable future. If you, your company or someone you know might be interested in being part of the Curaçao Clean Up initiative in one of these capacities, we would love to hear from you! 

2) Want to make a financial or material donation? Yes, please! We are most certainly open to both one-time or regular (monthly, yearly) donations. This contribution helps the Curaçao Clean Up team to ensure that our work continues to thrive and that we can continue to provide volunteer groups with cleanup articles during the World Clean Up month.

3)  We are always looking for talented and driven volunteers who would like to support the Curaçao Clean Up Foundation either as a Core team member or event volunteer, we would love to hear from you! 

Bank transfer

Bank Name: Vidanova Bank

Acc number: 592495-001

Acc name: Stichting Curaçao Clean Up

Acc Adress: PO BOX 4068

Donation reference:

[company name] CCU-Donation

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