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Trash Map

TrashOut Mobile App and online web page allows  citizens to play a larger role in finding and reporting illegal trash sites and littered locations around the world including the island of Curaçao. By activating the community to assist us in finding and reporting trash sites, we encourage everyone to be part of the solution. Simultaneously we are also able to work more effectively to eliminate illegal trash sites and litter around the island.

If you haven't done so already, please visit the TrashOut website or your App store to download the TrashOut Mobile App. This app is available for both android and IOS devices.

Please visit for all frequently asked questions. Should you have any remaining comments, please contact us.

start helping in 3 easy steps

Install App

1st step

TrashOut is available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone .Install this app today and start reporting illegal dumps. This planet needs your help. We count on you :)

Report Trash

2nd step

When you find illegal dump, use the TrashOut app to report it. Take a photo of it, define its size and type, or add a comment. Your report will appear in the TrashMap.

Take Action

3rd step

TrashOut project will support local governments, enviromental organizations and waste companies in Curaçao. We will notify you about the progress.

Navigate the map below and zoom in to see Curaçao's trash map. Check to see if there is any illegal trash in your area and plan Clean Ups with familie members, collegues, sports team or a community organisation in your area to tackle these. Our goal is to motivate 5% of Curaçao’s population—the tipping point at which a social movement develops its own momentum. We need your help to get there!  If we all play our part, we can make it happen. Please visit for all frequently asked questions. Should you have any remaining comments, please contact us.

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